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Book Store awards announced

May 1, 2001

A grant from the University Book Store allows for 20 Academic Excellence Awards of $1,000 each to undergraduate students who best demonstrated excellence by completing a project through independent study. Here are this spring’s recipients, listed by recipient, major, faculty adviser and department:

Barger, Brittany A., zoology, biology, Matyas Sandor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Black, Daniel, music composition, Joel Naumann, School of Music

Boehm, Frederick J., chemistry, biochemistry, math, Laura Kiessling, Chemistry, Biochemistry

Bookbinder, Adin, art history, Judith Mitchell, English

Briggs, Adam C., political science, history, east Asian, R. Booth Fowler, Political Science, Integrated Liberal Studies Program

Carelli, Anthony E., English — creative writing, Judith Mitchell, English

Coco, Peter F., English, history, Judith Mitchell, English

Crews, Pamela A., English — creative writing, Ronald Kuka, English

Flaherty, Colleen M., zoology, biology, Stanley Dodson, Zoology

Gross, Gregory J., history, Laurence Dickey, History

Monfils, Jamie, biochemistry, molecular biology, Heidi Kaeppler, Agronomy

Oppi, Antonio G., English — creative writing, Judith Mitchell, English

Reisenauer, Tana L., international relations, Asian studies, Jonathan Zeitlin, Industrial Relations

Rusch, Brett D., psychology, Richard Davidson, Psychology

Schaper, Heather A., anthropology, Doris Slesinger, Rural Sociology

Schomberg, Stacey L., neurobiology, political science, Dandan Sun, Physiology, Neurosurgery

Somerville, Patrick V., English, Ronald Kuka, English

Torn, Ryan D., atmospheric and oceanic sciences, math, Gilbert Nathanson, Chemistry, Biochemistry

Wanat, Matthew J., biochemistry, political science, Robert Corn, Chemistry, Biochemistry

Warner, Benjamin J., English, Ronald Kuka, English