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University Health Services: Time to get a flu shot

January 7, 2013

The time is now. Get your flu shot.
Over the past few weeks, Wisconsin has seen a significant increase in flu case numbers. The flu may be here but it’s not too late to protect yourself.  The single best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot.
University Health Services (UHS) is encouraging students, faculty, and staff to get vaccinated before classes resume. The CDC recommends that everyone 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine each year.

  • UW employees should visit their local health care provider or pharmacy. View info from UW Health.
  • UW students at home for winter break should visit their local health care provider or pharmacy.
  • UW students back on campus can get a free flu shot at UHS by calling (608) 265-5600 to make an appointment.

If you get sick with flu symptoms, you should stay home from work and school and avoid contact with other people except to get medical care. Most people with the flu have a mild illness and do not need medical care or antiviral drugs.

Employees with questions should contact their healthcare provider. Students with questions about their symptoms should contact UHS at (608) 265-5600. Learn more about the flu.

–Alisa Santiesteban