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Proposals sought for initiative funds

September 9, 2009

Chancellor Biddy Martin and Provost Paul DeLuca have issued a request for proposals for the use of funds that will be generated by the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates (MIU).

Launched in the spring, MIU established a supplemental tuition charge to improve the quality and long-term value of undergraduate education at UW–Madison and to make it affordable to all.

The initiative is designed to add faculty and instructional support in high-demand areas and provide increased funding to vital student services. It will also significantly increase need-based financial aid by matching the tuition revenues devoted to financial aid with private fundraising.

Half of the tuition revenue received is expected to go toward financial aid, with the remainder funding other goals. Martin and DeLuca explained the RFP process to the first meeting of the MIU Oversight Committee on July 30. The broad-based group, made up of students, faculty and staff, will make recommendations to Martin on the initiative’s priorities and develop an implementation plan.

A second committee, composed mainly of students, will convene this fall and make recommendations on the student services portion of the initiative. Already, nearly $1.8 million in MIU funds have been spent, with $1.6 million going toward 5,000 “hold harmless” grants from the Office of Student Financial Aid, and $200,000 to open additional sections in the College of Letters and Science.

A follow-up memo from DeLuca sent on Sept. 2 provided more detailed guidelines for submitting proposal. Phase 1 proposals, for funds to be spent this year, are due Wednesday, Oct. 1. Phase 2 proposals, for funds focused on initiatives regardless of their time frame, are due Sunday, Nov. 15. Both memos and other details, including the executive summary of the initiative, prepared for the Board of Regents, can be found at To receive more information, e-mail