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Message from Provost Paul M. DeLuca, Jr.

Sept. 8, 2009

To Faculty and Staff,

UW-Madison has consistently demonstrated national leadership in research and graduate education. As one indicator, we are the only institution, public or private (other than Johns Hopkins), that has remained in the top five in research expenditures for over twenty years. Our success is a tribute to the quality of our faculty and staff, supported by the Graduate School.

During this same period of time, research and graduate education have grown and become increasingly more complex. Over time, we have asked the Graduate School to take on many additional functions, which they have always responded to with excellence and commitment. Our unique combined structure has gradually evolved into one unit responsible for an unmanageable range of complex issues and functions.

I would like to invite you to participate in considering how we might best organize the administration and leadership of research as well as graduate education moving forward. This site includes several pieces to help you both learn and provide comments.